Cost of Living Summit

Southampton Cost of Living Summit to Explore Inequalities in the City

Keith Brown welcoming delegates to the summit

Solent University on October 4th, 2023

Love Southampton organised a second Cost-of-Living Summit at Solent University, as residents face rising prices, drawing together people across the city to look particularly at health inequalities arising from the crisis.

Speaking at the summit, Oasis Founder Steve Chalke encouraged those attending to set an example nationally for what can be done when different sectors work together for better health and education outcomes in a city.

The summit follows on from last year’s conference when the cost of virtually everything we buy in everyday life had increased, and further exposed the deep financial inequalities already highlighted in Southampton by the pandemic.

 Councillor Satvir Kaur, Leader of Southampton City Council, said: “It’s great to be working in partnership to bring this second Southampton Cost of Living Summit. So many individuals and families across Southampton are struggling with rising costs of everything. Today is about bringing together those on the front line, including organisations, charities and others, on how we can build on the great work that is already happening, and target support for those that need it most; focused on local practical solutions, to this national crisis.” 

Paul Woodman from Love Southampton said, “There is already much being done across the city, and we have many joint initiatives to help one another. Bringing together all who are interested in making a difference, gives us the opportunity to share what’s happening as well as work together on other ways we can relieve the financial pressure.”

Launched today is the new website that lists all the freely available warm spaces nationally. More than 60 were opened in Southampton last winter.

About the Southampton Cost of Living Summit:
The Southampton Cost of Living Summit is an event dedicated to tackling the rising cost of living in Southampton, UK. It serves as a platform for diverse stakeholders to collaborate, share knowledge, and develop actionable solutions to improve the financial and health well-being of the community.

Keynote speech by Steve Chalke MBE

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